Borovets, Bulgaria
Feb 2019
Getting there..
To get to Borovet’s we boarded a flight from Stansted to Sophia in Bulgaria, a quick 3 hour flight. Our driver greeted us at the airport and we headed to the resort with a transfer time of about 50mins.
We had a two bedroom apartment for the 4 of us which was very comfortable and new inside, nice – time to find a bar!
The resort
We were about a ten minute walk up to the main area where we hired our skis, this couldn’t of been easier as there’s loads of rental places and we chose one right in front of the main lift station. You then just walk across to the gondola station and buy your lift ticket and off you go. Prices are half what it would cost in the Alps for a lift ticket and ski rental. Having the ski rental right by the gondola meant we could leave our shoes then return the skis and boots each day and just pick then up again every morning before heading up onto the mountain.

Borovets, The Summit
Feb 2019
The Mountain
The journey to the top of the mountain takes about 10mins in what must be a hand me down gondola from the the alps of the 1980’s, we used to call them bubbles as it resembled that shape, and made of super fiber glass.
Once at the top you can take a tow bar up a short way for a nice easy run straight to the bar, before the main route down.

Base Area

Summit from the bar

The Gondola
Rocking the 1980’s orange Bubble’s

Snow Cannon

Black Run, Rila

Open Piste